Another Celebrity wedding/commitment inspiration ~ Tracy Edmunds & Eddie Murphy

I Love the simple elegance of this commitment ceremony!! And Tracy's makeup is flawless.

Possible Poem for my future husband

After all the planning, and all the stress,
Here I stand like a Queen, in my wedding dress.

After all the hard work, and all the spent bucks,
Here you are reading my note, dressed handsomely in your tux.

It's felt like forever since you first asked me to wed,
But I will never forget those words you first said.

There are no words to describe,
the happiness in my heart, and in a short while we'll be husband and wife, never to part.

I love you so much, you have made my life complete,
No other man could ever do, next to you, Who could compete?

As I sit here and waiting to walk down the isle to your side,
I want you to know how honored I am to be your bride.

You have changed my life in so many ways,
By your side as your wife I will spend the rest of my days.

As we speak our vows, forgive me if I cry,
With so much Happiness inside, it will be hard to keep them dry.

The time is getting close, and my heart it does race,
But I know I will feel ease, when I see your face.

I love you baby, and I will for the rest of my life,
Together forever, you and me, Husband and wife.

Well it's about time for the ceremony to start,
So put down this note, and open up your heart.

The next time you see me, we shall become one,
This is the day, our lives together have begun.

I love you honey, and I know you love me too,
Lets get this wedding started, I am ready to say " I DO

Tuesday, April 14, 2009